Using Your Cell Phone While Driving Affects Your Auto Insurance Costs
Traffic School Can Reduce Costs


In today's fast-paced world, staying connected is more important than ever, but using your cell phone while driving can lead to serious consequences. Not only is it a safety risk, but it can also influence your auto insurance costs significantly. In this article, we will explore how receiving a ticket for using your cell phone while driving can affect your auto insurance rates and how attending a traffic school can help reduce these costs. We will also delve into the safety aspects of using a cell phone while driving and provide tips to avoid a ticket in the future.

  1. 1. Understanding the Impact of Using a Cell Phone While Driving on Insurance Costs

    Using a cell phone while driving is not only illegal in many places, but it is also considered a risky behavior that can lead to accidents. Here's how it can impact your auto insurance costs:

    • Premium Increases: Insurance providers often view using a cell phone while driving as a serious violation of traffic laws. As a result, they may increase your auto insurance premiums. The extent of the increase depends on the severity of the violation, your driving history, and your insurance company.
    • Points on Your Driving Record: When you receive a ticket for using your cell phone while driving, it typically results in points on your driving record. Accumulating points can lead to higher insurance costs, as it signifies riskier behavior on the road.

    2. Attending Traffic School to Reduce Insurance Costs

    The good news is that you have the opportunity to mitigate the impact of a cell phone usage ticket on your auto insurance rates by attending a traffic school. Here's how it can help:

    • Ticket Dismissal or Point Reduction: Completing a traffic school program in many jurisdictions can lead to the dismissal of the cell phone usage ticket or a reduction in the number of points on your driving record. This can prevent a significant increase in your insurance premiums.
    • Insurance Discounts: Some insurance providers offer discounts to policyholders who voluntarily attend traffic school. By successfully completing such a course, you demonstrate your commitment to safe driving, making you a less risky customer in the eyes of the insurance company.
  2. 3. Finding the Right Traffic School

    To maximize the benefits of attending traffic school, it's essential to choose the right one. Here's what to consider:

    • Accreditation: Ensure that the traffic school you select is accredited and recognized by the appropriate authorities in your jurisdiction.
    • Curriculum: The course should cover essential topics related to safe driving and traffic regulations. Verify that it meets the requirements for ticket dismissal and point reduction in your area.
    • Convenience: Consider the format of the course. Some traffic schools offer in-person classes, while others provide online options. Choose the one that aligns with your schedule and learning preferences.
  3. 4. Steps to Take After Completing Traffic School

    After successfully completing a traffic school program, follow these important steps:

    • Submit Proof of Completion: Ensure that you submit proof of your course completion to the relevant authorities, such as the court or DMV, as required in your jurisdiction.
    • Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance provider about your participation in a traffic school program. This can make you eligible for a discount and prevent a premium increase.
    • Monitor Your Driving Record: Keep track of your driving record to confirm that the stop sign violation points have been appropriately reduced or dismissed.
  4. 5. The Safety of Using a Cell Phone While Driving

    Aside from the financial implications, using a cell phone while driving poses serious safety risks:

    • Distracted Driving: Using a cell phone while driving is a leading cause of distracted driving accidents. It diverts your attention from the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents and endangering yourself and others on the road.
    • Legal Consequences: Laws regarding cell phone usage while driving are becoming stricter to deter this dangerous behavior. In addition to fines and ticketing, legal consequences can include license suspension in some cases.
  5. 6. Ways to Avoid a Ticket in the Future

    To avoid receiving a ticket for using your cell phone while driving in the future, consider these tips:

    • Use Hands-Free Devices: Whenever possible, use hands-free devices or Bluetooth technology to make calls and send messages.
    • Pull Over: If you must use your phone, pull over to a safe location, such as a parking lot or rest area, to avoid distractions while driving.
    • Educate Yourself on Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with the cell phone usage laws in your area and ensure you comply with them.


Using your cell phone while driving may be tempting, but it comes with significant consequences, both in terms of safety and auto insurance costs. However, by attending a reputable traffic school, you can reduce the impact of a cell phone usage ticket on your insurance rates. Remember to follow the laws, avoid distractions, and use your cell phone responsibly while driving to protect not only your finances but also your safety and the well-being of others on the road.

Additional Tips for Safe Driving:

While it's crucial to avoid using your cell phone while driving, there are additional tips to ensure safe and responsible driving: